
Nearby eating & drinking

We know what's good in our neighbourhood. That's why we've made an overview of all our favourite spots. Are you in town for sightseeing? Click on 'Surroundings' in the menu above for many more recommendations on all kinds of subjects. There is so much to see, taste and do here in the heart of the city centre.

In Groningen for business? When you choose a restaurant from the list below, you can go out for dinner and put the costs on your hotel bill. We are happy to arrange this for you! 



Named after Ernest Miller Hemingway, the Cuban explorer and writer. The many small dishes in tapas-form show the rich diversity of traditions and cultures that Hemingway saw on his journeys. 

They are our neighbours, but also a cosy restaurant with a Cuban atmosphere, cocktails and music.


A beloved restaurant among the locals. Classic Tuscan meals are served, from antipasta to meat- and fish dishes. They use fresh ingredients and Tuscan olive oil.

In the summer you can eat outside, surrounded by monumental walls, enjoying your Italian wine. Chianti, a real regional product, is known as one of the most popular Italian wines. 



Moro has a 'Moorish kitchen' (South Mediterranean) with an overwhelming affluence of intense flavours and aromas. Century-old influences from Spain, Nothern Africa and the Eastern-Mediterranean area. 

The restaurant does have an oriental touch and in the summer you can find a lovely (lounge) terrace outside. 

Tapas (Spanish)

Cervantes is a typical Spanish tapasrestaurant. Small bites, from albongidas to Serrano Ham and many fish- and meat dishes. 

Seven days a week it's nicely busy with a relaxing atmosphere. You can choose for 'unlimited tapas' or a la carte. 



Located in the corner building where in the past, coffee was roasted for the British and Dutch royal house, is now restaurant The Branderij! On the terrace outside you can enjoy the sun and inside you find cozy, oldfashioned furnature where delicious meals from the whole world are served. 
